America’s Oil & Gas Boom: Does it Matter to Investors?

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Chip Cummins wrote a smart article revealing the deleterious effects of America’s shale oil (& gas) boom upon our friendly neighbor to the north: Canada. In a nutshell, the massive increase in production and reserves of the United States’ light, “sweet” crude is revolutionizing and reorganizing the world’s energy markets.  Canada, with its massive supply …

13 for ’13: First Quarter Results

If you joined with me and invested in some (or all) of my “13 for ’13” recommendations at the start of the new year, you may be interested to see how we have faired so far in 2013.  The ride has been exciting … because it’s always more fun to ride investments up than to watch them crash down!  In …

Is the Verismo a Flop? How Starbucks Investors Should Respond.

Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) continues to try to invade our kitchens. This time their goal is to create the perfect home-brewed espresso beverage with their long-anticipated Verismo 580 machine.  After much hype this autumn, the official verdict remains to be seen.  The jury is still out on whether the Verismo will be profitable for Starbucks, or a flop.  I’m betting on the latter. Questions …

13 for ’13 (Part 3 of 3): Thirteen Market-Beating Investments for the New Year

The New Year has now fully arrived and your portfolio is ready to take a serious turn for the better.  2013 promises to be difficult for many traditional investments, with the Biggest Loser being U.S. Treasurys. Remarkably, as with most secular markets, the great horde of less astute investors continues to pile into Treasurys at exactly the wrong moment, at …

13 for ’13: Thirteen Market-Beating Investments for the New Year (Part 2 of 3)

With the so-called “fiscal cliff” finally averted, politicians and talking heads will now turn their attention to the debt ceiling crisis, Europe’s probable recession, France’s renewed socialism, Ben Bernanke’s money printing policies, or any number of worrisome things. In light of these concerns, how should you (the investor) respond in the new year?  Like this: Look for great, shareholder-friendly companies …

Invest in the Next Leg of This Worldwide Movement

Can Businesses or Products be Movements? Companies are almost never movements. Their products rarely may be. I’ve been racking my brain lately to come up with any businesses that could qualify as a movement in my lifetime. Some, such as Coca-Cola, Disney, and McDonald’s have an enduring history of expansion and stability, which are virtuous qualities for investors to seek. …